Lotus Rising LLC logo, symbolizing growth and healing in mental health therapy.

Why Lotus Rising?

A warm and inviting therapy space at Lotus Rising, fostering a safe environment for healing

A lotus flower is rooted in a pond or river while the flower blooms above the murky water. Lotus flowers are resilient and have been found to be able to live for over a thousand years. To me, clients are like lotus flowers. When someone comes to me for counseling, they are rooted in the mud of their lives (their trauma or troubled past experiences) looking for a way to bloom. Together, the client and I nurture their roots through the process of therapy so they may transform into beautiful flowers rising above the muddy water. Yet, the muddy water remains an important part of growth because it is through that water that the lotus’s beauty is transformed. When a person rises from the troubles of their past, the past does not go away; it creates a resiliency that produces the beautiful person that they have become.