Performance & Wellness Coaching

Coaching is beneficial to those who have big goals and dreams but are feeling stuck. Maybe you aren’t sure where to start and need help to tap into your hidden potential. Some will need me to hold them accountable and provide tools for success that help them reach the life they envisioned for themselves. A performance and wellness coach can be a key motivator in helping you make the lifestyle changes you need to stay on track. Together we create steps to achieve your goals. I provide support and guidance that empower you on your journey.

Who is a good candidate for coaching?

Different people have different needs when it comes to their wellness and performance needs. If you are looking to

  • Managing stress

  • Build confidence

  • Learning new coping skills

  • Enhancing communication skills

  • Advance in your career

  • Start your own business

  • Looking for personal or professional growth

  • Become more productive

    coaching is a good fit for you.

What does coaching look like?

In a wellness session, you can count on talking about your strengths and weakness, hurdles you face, and develop practical tools to reach your goals.

How often do I need coaching?

The amount of coaching depends on your wants and needs. In the initial consultation we assess your needs, goals, strengths, weakness, obstacles you might face, and how much coaching you will need. Packages come in 4, 8, and 12 weeks designed to find what you need, whether it’s inside you or in untapped resources.

Where does coaching take place?

Coaching sessions can take place virtually or in person. If you are located near me we can meet in person, in my office, or in a neutral meeting space. It’s your preference!

Areas of focus

  • Time management

  • Communication

  • Personal Growth

  • Professional Growth

  • Networking

  • Interviewing Skills Building

  • Organization

  • Stress Reduction

  • Dating

  • Making Friends

If you are looking for help in your personal or professional life contact me for a consultation.