Private Pay

 There are many benefits to private pay therapy. 

  1. Did you know insurance companies require a diagnosis? This diagnosis goes on your permanent medical record

  2. If you have a job that requires a high clearance private pay prevents your employer from knowing you are in therapy. Some high clearance employers will not hire you if you have a record of seeing a therapist. You are seen as an unstable person, which is not always true. In fact, I might argue that people in therapy are more stable but hey I don’t make the rules. #fightthestigma 

  3. Insurance companies can decide at any moment to check on your progress, if they choose to do an audit. This means they can look at my therapy notes during this process. An employee in the insurance company can read your file about everything we have talked about in therapy. 

  4. Insurance companies can also dictate how many sessions you get. So if you are going through a stressful time that lasts more than 6 sessions you might have a hard time getting more sessions covered (depending on your insurance of course). My fear is that you are left with an unsolved problem and we’ve only begun to uncover it. As a clinician, this goes against my ethical code and as a human, I would feel terrible. I believe everyone's journey is different. There is no set timeline of when you should just get over your problems. 

My fees are $120 for a 45-50 minutes session for individuals and $140 for 45-50 minutes for couples. Included in this fee I allot a 15-minute check-in phone call between sessions if you need some extra encouragement. I do hold some sliding scale slots for those who are unable to pay for therapy. If you are a full fee paying client you are helping cover the cost of who cannot afford it.