Self-Care Master Class

Do you want to provide better care for yourself? The Self-Care Master Class is an online course that helps you learn more effective self-care practices with supportive learning materials and fun, real-life exercises to combat stressors and maintain a well-balanced life.

Do you tell yourselves you don’t have time for self-care or when you do have the time it’s not as fulfilling as you’d hoped? You think getting your nails done or taking a bath will do the trick but the minute you step out of the tub, it’s back to reality. It wasn’t enough. There is still too much on your plate. All you achieved was not thinking about your stress for an hour and you don’t really feel relieved. If this is you, you NEED this course.

What is this Course about?

  • Learning tools to implement effective self-care

  • What self-care truly involves

  • How self-care is preventative and not reactive

  • Learning to prioritize self-care

  • How to live a more balanced happier life

  • How to get more out of your self-care

This course will change how you view and do self-care. After completing this course you will have the tools to find balance in your life and ultimately become happier. Take charge of "me time" by building a self-care toolbox full of healing practices for your physical and mental health. You will learn new skills to bring more relaxation, harmony, and pleasure into your life. This self-paced course provides an easy and convenient way to start enjoying healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

I Don’t Have Time For Self Care.

I call b.s. You make time for things that are important. You are important. Your mental health is important. If you are reading this it’s because you are looking for a change in your life. Things can’t keep going the way they are or it feels like you may explode. This course will show you a new path to take that will allow you to live a happier, balanced life.

The course is not meant to be taken all at once. The videos are shorter on purpose to accommodate your busy schedule. Like in therapy, you are taught the skills in session but the application of the new skill happens out in the real world. In this course you will learn new skills in the video but it is up to you to apply them to your life.

What Will I Learn?

You will learn how to practice self-care successfully. You will take a deep dive into your own patterns, figure out what is important to you, and how to live a life that is more sustainable.

Some of the topics include

  • Wellness Plans

  • Energy

  • Boundaries

  • Control

  • Prevention not reaction

  • & more

What’s Included In This Course?

  • 18 videos discussing various skills and topics around self-care

  • Worksheet that creates space for a concrete self-care plan

  • Journal prompts that allow you to take a deeper dive into your self-care journey

  • Links to specific curated material for extra support along your journey.

What are people saying about this course?

This course has been given to a wide range of people, at a local community college, including people of different ages (18-60 yrs ), races, and religions. Here is what they have to say.

“I didn’t understand self care was essential before. I learned to slow down.” - S.J.

“I learned how boundaries could significantly reduce my stress and anxiety.” - K.D

“I think about myself more and that it’s not selfish. When I prioritize myself, I can take care of others better.” - E.K

“I learned I will be okay because of the tools I learned in this class.” -J.M.

“I learned to be kinder to myself and the tools in the self-care box I already had available but now they are organized and readily available to me.” -T.S

“I have a better understanding of myself now.” -C.P

“I learned that the little things matter and they bring more value to my life.” - A.T.

How much does the course cost?

The course is valued at $600, and the cost to you is only $300!

This includes lifetime access to videos, printed journals, and worksheets. This course is an amazing addition to your healing journey. Contact us below to purchase your course today!

If you are interested in purchasing the Self Care Masterclass course, contact us here!