
Self-love is different from self-care, self-love is the act of respect. Self-love is showing yourself compassion, respecting your own boundaries, recognizing and attending to your needs, and being kind to yourself. I often ask clients, “What would you tell your best friend if they were in the exact same position?” Often the response portrays kindness and love towards the friend, but for some reason have a hard time extending that same kind of compassion towards ourselves.

Teaching clients to love themselves in a more compassionate way ties beautifully into the empowerment model I implement. I have found when a client starts loving themselves and tending to their needs they notice that everything around them starts to change as well. Their job becomes better or they decide they deserve a better job and their friendships become stronger and their relationships improve or they decide they deserve a better relationship. The best way to show someone how to love us is to lead by example and love ourselves the way we deserve. 
