
Wellness Rising

Mental Wellness 

Some choose to go to therapy like they choose to go to the gym – to stay healthy. Mental health is just as important as physical health in fact, they are inseparable. Ever been so stressed you got an upset stomach or maybe a headache? That’s your body telling you to take care of your mental health. So many times we take care of the physical symptoms but ignore the mental health symptoms. 

You can go to therapy as a practice of self-care. It’s time out of your week that is dedicated to your health and wellbeing. Think of a therapist as a personal trainer for your mind. When lifting weights there is so much mindfulness happening. The ability to notice what your body is doing while lifting the heavy weights is the same skills we do in therapy. We tune into our emotions that make life feel heavy allowing us to strengthen our mental endurance.

If you are exhausted from carrying around all your trauma weight, my therapy room is where you will learn how to release some negative emotions and learn how to carry the remaining weight in ways that feel lighter. When you leave the gym you might be exhausted yet after a while you start seeing results. Therapy is the same way. You may leave exhausted and you will see improvements in your life. 

Contact me today to begin your journey towards mental wellness!

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